How to visit Göbekli Tepe from Sanliurfa (2024)

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If you find yourself in Şanlıurfa (potentially the city where Abraham was born), you can easily hop over to the “World’s First Temple“.

Yes, you read that right: even before organized religion, even before the advent of agriculture, our ancestors built an impressive spiritual site that we today know as Göbekli Tepe.

Göbekli Tepe was first discovered in 1963, although back then the archeologists only knew it was a Neolithic site, but had no idea that it would turn all their theories about the Neolithic Revolution and the origin of religion on their heads.

the ancient temple at Gobekli tepe
What remains of Gobekli Tepe (actually quite a lot!)

When serious excavations began in 1995, the site was dated at least 12000 years old. That was more than surprising!

This meant that it was inhabited before the onset of agriculture and the first permanent settlements, yet it resembled a religious site – something that only came about with the settling down of hunter-gatherers. Revolutionary finding!

How to get to Gobekli Tepe with Public Transport

Three buses per day go to Gobekli Tepe from Sanliurfa.

The first one departs at 10:00, the second one at 13:00, and the third one at 16:00.

You can get the bus from here, opposite the small regional bus stations:

The bus spends approximately 2 hours at the site, then returns to Sanliurfa at 12:00, 15:00, and 17:30 respectively.

A one-way trip costs 15 lira. It wasn’t very packed and all of the people inside were tourists, although very few were foreigners.

On the way to Göbekli Tepe

The trip takes approximately 30 minutes but in my case, it was around 45 minutes. Why, you ask? Halfway the driver decided to visit a friend, so just parked the bus and went out to leisurely chat with him. On the way back he picked a few figs to make it up to the passengers.

A few minutes after that we were surrounded by two dozen kids that wanted to hitchhike. They might have wanted something else, I am not sure, but at least a few boarded the bus and rode for a couple of minutes before the driver forcibly made them leave.

It was a bit hilarious and quite confusing.

Kids surrounding our bus to Göbekli Tepe
Kids swarming the bus

The Archeological Site

Once at the top (it’s a tepe, meaning “hill” after all) you will get access to nice views of the area. The scenery is a bit bland though:

Get a ticket from the building right next to the bus stop.

In 2022, it cost me 100 TL (then around 6$). I felt the price was a bit of a rip-off as only 5% of the site was excavated. Similar to other UNESCO sights in Turkey, the entrance fee is quite inflated.

But in 2024 the entrance fee for Gobekli Tepe has increased to a whopping 450 TL (~14$)! Now that’s definitely too much for my liking but who am I to say what the price to visit the world’s oldest temple should be?

The first building before the site houses the museum. There you get to read a bit about the history of the place and how the excavation has been going through the years in an adjacent museum.

After that hop outside and walk 200 meters through a shaded tunnel to get to the bus stand for the shuttle to the top. I was willing to walk the 1 km, but it was a nice surprise that the shuttle was free.

At the top, you will be met by the huge protective roof over the main site.

There’s a path around the site with info stands giving information about each of the rooms on the main site. Here are some pictures:

All in all, from getting your ticket to seeing the site won’t take you more than 90 minutes, even with fastidious picture taking.

Getting back to Sanliurfa

The buses depart precisely at 12:00, 15:00, and 17:30 giving you exactly enough time to admire Gobekli Tepe, but not a minute more.

Do not be late for your bus, else you will have to wait another 2-3 hours or pay a lot for a taxi. The buses are quite punctual!

Gobekli Tepe Opening Times

Gobekli Tepe is open every day from 08:30 to 17:30. The last time you can buy a ticket and enter is at 17:00.


  1. Is the lake
    there as well?

    1. I am not sure what lake you refer to, can you be more specific?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’m really questioning whether it’s woth going , considering the poor AUD exchange rate atm 😟

    1. When I went it was way less expensive and I still found it not worth it. At 25 euro it’s borderline scam!

  3. K from NZ says:


    for those that want to visit the other site Karahan Tepe. You will need to take a taxi. From the market it’s about 60 to 65usd with the driver waiting for an hour and the drive back. Then 1 hour ride to the site. The entrance fee is free. Bring lots of water. This is a fairly new site and you can see only estimated less than 1 percent of it but the overall site is 3 to 5 time larger than GT.

    Have a great trip

    Thanks K from NZ (15 June 2024)

  4. K from NZ says:


    Just an update (15 June 2024) on how to get to göbekli Tepe by bus in sanluifa. I can share the pictures and screenshot for reference.

    There is a bus number 0 in front of the sanluifa museum that goes every hour and back from the site every hour from 945am. Ask the staff in the museum for the latest information.

    Then a 40 minute ride down the main streets. I have screenshot of the stops.

    Then wehn you reach the bus leaves at 1100am every hour. Cost is about 25 lira each way.

    Entrance to the site is 25 euro but they only accept payment in lira. Cash or card is available. This a one entrance fee, please use the toilet before entering as you will need to pay 25euro to go in again (like me). At the gate a van/bus will drive you up the hill to the site. Every 5 minutes. And will take you down the same. Please bring lots of water as the prices at the site is high.

    Then enjoy the site and take the van down. Catch the bus back to the museum or the town.

    Really worth the trip and a visit to the museum in the city.

    Thanks and have a great trip.

    K from NZ

    1. Thank you for this update, K from NZ!

      Seems like not much has changed at Gobekli Tepe except for the price which is now, might I say, exorbitant.

      I will update the article soon. If you want me to add your pictures, please email them to , thanks!


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