33 Best Things to Do in Tashkent in 2024 (many FREE!)

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Perhaps Tashkent is not the most exciting place in Uzbekistan. After all, you can visit the magnificent Samarkand, enchanting Bukhara, ancient Khiva, and the bizarre otherworldly Dead Aral Sea

Tashkent is usually just a quick stop after landing and maybe a trip to the Chorsu Bazaar and hop on the Afrosiyob train to someplace else.


There are actually many interesting places in Tashkent. The city is growing and developing as we speak! A mix of some history, some modern buildings, and this all-present Soviet architecture and city planning.

Take a look at this long list of things to do in Tashkent to get an idea and please give the city a chance!

Why do Tourists Skip Tashkent?

There are two main reasons why tourists spend less time in Tashkent: the 1966 Earthquake and the Soviet city planning.

A devastating earthquake hit Tashkent on 26 April 1966. It obliterated the Old City, which would’ve been very similar to the ones in Samarkand and Bukhara.

Not that many people died (at least according to the official statistics, which for a Soviet Republic are never trustworthy), but up to 300.000 were left homeless.

Instead of rebuilding the Old City and restoring its heritage, the Soviet Authorities saw an opportunity to build a modern communist city.

The railway station in Tashkent

Thus, they created a model Soviet city, but let its old glory as a fabulous Silk Road stop be lost to the annals of history.

1. The Metro – Convenience but also beauty!

  • Opening times: Every day: 05:00 to 00:00;
  • Price: 1400 UZS (0.12$)

Yeah, in Tashkent everybody with a car is a taxi and they are very affordable too, but at 1400 UZS per ride, 48 stations, and 4 lines, the Tashkent Metro offers unparalleled convenience and mobility.

Moreover, many of the stations are works of art! Similar to other Soviet-built metro systems (like Moscow and Almaty), they were decorated to inspire and induce awe.

Once inside, you can get off at as many stations as you want, so you can technically visit all 48 stations with just 1 ticket!

The most beautiful stations are:

  • Kosmonavtlar (my favorite)
  • Alisher Navoi
  • Tinchlik
  • Gafur Gulom
  • Toshkent
  • Chilonzor
  • Xalqlar Dustligi
  • Paxtakor.
Kosmonavtlar station in Tashkent Metro
Kosmonavtlar Station – Are you feeling in space yet?

Here is all you need to know about the best Tashkent Metro stations.

2. Hotel Uzbekistan

  • Address: 45 Mirzamakhmud Musakhanov Street
  • Nearest Subway: Amir Temur Avenue & Yunus Rajabiy
  • Opening times: It’s a hotel, come on;
  • Price: FREE to look at, 55-80$ per night. Click here to book.

This massive hotel has been receiving guests since 1974. Its imposing facade faces the nearby Amir Temur Square. In the spirit of Soviet Hotels, it’s big, it’s grand, it’s impressive!

Unlike many of its brethren in other post-Communist countries, Hotel Uzbekistan has managed to transition into the market economy as an eschelon of luxury and upscale accommodation in Uzbekistan. Nowadays, it’s almost always full.

There’s a bar on the top floor with nice views of Tashkent.

Hotel Uzbekistan is one of the top hotels in Tashkent
Hotel Uzbekistan at night

3. Amir Temur Square

  • Address: 4 Amir Temur Avenue
  • Nearest Subway: Amir Temur Avenue & Yunus Rajabiy
  • Opening times: Open 24 hours
  • Price: FREE

Amir Temur, aka Tamerlane, is Uzbekistan’s national hero and probably the most famous Central-Asian in the world. The capital of his massive empire (which at one point in the 14th century stretched from the mouth of the Mediterranean to China) was Samarkand and you will see his tomb there.

But before that, take a moment to check out his 7-meter statue in the middle of Amir Temur Square.

Amir Temur Statue
Amir Temur, aka Tamerlane, on a horse

4. Sailgokh Street (Broadway)

  • Address: Sailgokh Street (duh)
  • Nearest Subway: Amir Temur Avenue & Yunus Rajabiy OR Mustakillik Maydoni
  • Opening times: Open 24 hours (but visit in the evening)
  • Price: FREE (but you might want to buy something)

Let me be straight – this street has nothing to do with New York’s Broadway. It connects Amir Temur Square with Independence Square (see #7).

There are many food stalls on this pedestrian street selling anything from ice cream and popcorn to burgers and hotdogs. Maybe the prevalence of American food is why it’s called Broadway, no one really knows for sure.

5. Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre

  • Address: 28 Bukhara Street
  • Nearest Subway: Mustakillik Maydoni
  • Opening times: Admire during daylight. To visit: https://gabt.uz/
  • Price: To look at: FREE; Tickets: 20.000-100.000 UZS

This is one of the only buildings that survived the devastating 1966 earthquake. And of course it did – it was built by the Japanese!

Okay, let me elaborate – it wasn’t really a Japanese construction company contracted for the project. It’s a bit more sinister than that.

In reality, the theatre was finished using the labor of Japanese prisoners of war at the end of the Second World War. It really is a fascinating story, read all of it here.

The Alisher Navoi Theatre
Alisher Navoi Theatre Building

6. The palace of Grand Duke Nicholas Constantinovich (Romanov Palace)

  • Address: Sharaf Rashidov Avenue
  • Nearest Subway: Mustakillik Maydoni
  • Opening times: To look at: 24/7
  • Price: FREE to look at; CLOSED for visitors (expected to reopen in 2025)

This small, but exquisite-looking palace was built for Grand Prince Nikolay Konstantinovich Romanov (1850-1917), first cousin of Tsar Nikolay II, who was deported here in 1881 to mine precious stones.

It was then closed in 1919 after the Revolution and reopened as a museum. In 1935 the museum was closed and the building became a Young Pioneers Palace – a place for the training (both physical and ideological) of young pioneers (i.e. kids) into communist propaganda.

The palace of Grand Duke Nicholas Constantinovich, "Romanov Palace"
Romanov Palace, photo by Dave Proffer (CC BY 2.0)

It once again became a museum in 1980 to display the lavish jewelry that the aristocracy wore before the Revolution. However, in 1991, the museum was once again closed. It remains closed to this day and you can only see it on the outside.

It’s undergoing restoration works and according to my offline sources, it will once again reopen as a museum in 2025 in time for the Asian Youth Games.

7. Mustakillik Maydoni /Independence Square

  • Address: Sharaf Rashidov Avenue
  • Nearest Subway: Mustakillik Maydoni
  • Opening times: Open 24 hours
  • Price: FREE

Located in the heart of Tashkent, this main square serves as a popular meeting spot within the city. The most outstanding thing about it is the many fountains that grace the square.

Behind the fountains is the great marble arch of 16 columns to symbolize peace and the prosperity of nations.

8. Chorsu Bazaar

  • Address: Sakichmon Street
  • Nearest Subway: Chorsu
  • Opening times: Mon-Fri: 5 AM-8 PM; Sat, Sun: 5 AM-9 PM
  • Price: FREE (but the food isn’t)

Chorsu Bazaar is the city’s most famous bazaar located in the heart of old Tashkent. Its enormous blue dome is visible from afar. Here you can buy a wide variety of fruits and veggies, raw meat, souvenirs, textiles, and my favorite – nuts and dried fruit (I recommend the big black raisins!)

The Bazaar isn’t contained just within the building and under the dome. No, no, no. It has alleys all around it and feels like a small city of its own.

Chorsu Bazaar - one of the top things to do in Tashkent
Chorsu Bazaar from the back

Outside the domed building is the cooked food, but I shouldn’t have to tell you this – let your nose lead you to the nearby kebabs, fresh bread, and samsas.

People are always in a hurry here – it’s either business time or time to buy groceries. Get ready to join the bustle!

9. Alay Bazaar

  • Address: 7 Yahyo Gulyamov Street
  • Nearest Subway: Abdulla Kodiriy
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 9 AM – 5 PM
  • Price: FREE

Talking about bazaars, I must mention the other popular favorite – Alay Bazaar. It’s smaller than Chorsu and way less chaotic, but the prices are higher as the tourist flow is bigger.

Nevertheless, it is a good place to buy some dried fruit, nuts, or souvenirs to take home, and deserves a spot on this list of things to do in Tashkent.

10. Kukeldash Madrasah

  • Address: Beruni Avenue Relief Road
  • Nearest Subway: Chorsu
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 9 AM – 6 PM
  • Price: Grounds: FREE; Second Floor: 10000 UZS

Kukeldash Madrasah is the biggest one in Tashkent. It doesn’t get as much love as the three madrasahs that form the Registan Square in Samarkand, but it’s still an impressive example of Islamic architecture.

A rare photo of Kukeldash Madrasah from 1872
A rare photo of Kukeldash Madrasah from 1872

It has had a tumultuous history with several destructions and rebuilding since its construction in 1570, but most importantly, it survived the 1966 earthquake so you and I can visit it today.

11. Tashkent City Park

  • Nearest Subway: Alisher Navoi & Pahtakor OR Ozbekiston OR Xalqlar Dustligi
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 11 AM – 11 PM
  • Price: FREE

The Tashkent City Park is a relatively new park in the heart of the city. There are lots of trees, benches, green areas, playing grounds, a fountain as well as small restaurants and food stalls.

Being surrounded by tall buildings, one might easily make the comparison with Central Park of New York.

12. Hazrati (Khast) Imam Complex

  • Address: Karasaray Street
  • Nearest Subway: Gafur Gulom
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 9 AM – 9 PM
  • Price: FREE

The Khast Imam Complex is to Tashkent what the Registan is to Samarkand and what the square in front of the Kalyan Mosque is to Bukhara. This is the heart of the religious part of Tashkent and the most popular tourist attraction in the city.

The whole complex consists of several mosques, a couple of madrasahs, a few mausoleums, and a library. This isn’t just any library though – it claims to hold the world’s oldest Quran – the Uthman Quran.

One of the madrasahs in the Hazrati Imam Complex. Hazrati Imam must be on your to-visit list when in Tashkent.
One of the madrasahs in the Hazrati Imam Complex

While visiting the complex and ensemble of beautiful buildings is free, if you want to enter the library, you have to pay a 15000 UZS / 1.30$ entrance fee.

13. Minor Mosque

  • Address: Little Ring Road
  • Nearest Subway: Bodomzor
  • Opening times: Open 24 hours
  • Price: FREE

The Minor Mosque is one of the newest places to visit in Tashkent. Built in 2014, it’s as spectacular, as it’s bright. Its main component is white marble, which makes it glisten on a sunny day.

It has a capacity of 2400 people and since it’s a mosque, anyone can visit and stay as long as desired.

Minor Mosque's mihrab
Minor Mosque’s Mihrab

I think I stayed way too long though (excuse me, but it was cold outside and the carpet inside was so soft). So much so, that a few people came up to me and gave me money, thinking I was perhaps homeless. Oh, Uzbek hospitality at its finest.

14. National Circus of Tashkent

  • Address: 1 Zarkaynar Street
  • Nearest Subway: Gafur Gulom
  • Opening times: To look at: during daylight; To visit: http://cirk.uz/
  • Price: FREE to look at; Tickets: 20000-50000 UZS

The circus culture in Uzbekistan is more than 200 years old. The first permanent circus was constructed in 1819, but its building didn’t survive the 1966 earthquake.

The new building is from 1976, renovated in 1999 and its most recognizable feature is the massive blue dome with the words “SIRK” on top.

Tashkent Circus
Tashkent Circus, photo by Jude Lee (CC BY 2.0)

While it’s worth it to visit just to see, performances are carried out and aren’t very expensive. If you’re looking for entertainment in Tashkent, go watch the circus perform every Saturday at 16:00, Sunday, 12:00, and 16:00.

Check their official website for tickets and schedule.

15. Tashkent Television Tower

  • Address: 109 Amir Temur Avenue
  • Nearest Subway: Bodomzor
  • Opening times: To look at: during daylight; To visit: 10 AM – 8 PM
  • Price: FREE to look at; To go up: 40000 UZS

Who would’ve thought that the 12th tallest tower in the world would be in Uzbekistan? Certainly not me!

At 375 meters, it’s impressive, even though its main function is just a TV and radio tower and not an architectural masterpiece like the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

The Tashkent Tower is the second tallest tower in Central Asia and 12th tallest in the world.
Tashkent Tower from the Japanese Garden

You can look at the tower from the Japanese Garden Lake just south of it for free, or go up to the observation deck at 97 meters above ground for 40.000 UZS / 3.5$.

You must bring your passport with you for some weird reason. There’s also a restaurant on the 7th floor

16. Besh Qozon (The Plov Center)

  • Address: 1 Guards Colonel Khodjaev Street
  • Nearest Subway: Bodomzor
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 9 AM – 11 PM
  • Price: FREE (food not included)

Where are you going to eat in Tashkent, huh? Why not pop over to the home of the plov and have a look at the massive qazans (frying pans basically) in which they prepare this delicious meal?

If you’re not hungry, it’s still worth it to visit and observe as masses of people line up to take home some food. Otherwise, their plov portions are big and go for about 30000-35000 UZS / 2.60$-3.00$.

17. Monument of Courage

  • Address: 74 Sharof Rashidov Shoh Ko’chasi
  • Nearest Subway: Mustaillik Maydoni OR Abdulla Qodirii
  • Opening times: To look at: best during daylight
  • Price: FREE

I’ve decided to include the Monument of Courage out of all other statues and monuments in Tashkent, first because it’s a perfect example of a Soviet sculpture, and second because it is dedicated to the 1966 earthquake that I have referenced so many times in this article.

The earthquake (and its aftermath) had such a profound effect on Tashkent, that we can easily just call it New Tashkent nowadays.

The Monument of Courage carries deep symbolism about the resilience of Tashkent
Monument of Courage

The monument base is a black cube installed on a granite pedestal. On the two sides of the cube facing forward read the date 26 April 1966 and a clock that shows 5:24

The cube is split by a crack symbolizing the break of the earth. The crack splits the ground too and leads to the statue of a woman embracing a child and a man protecting them. Behind the monument, there is a relief telling about the restoration of Tashkent.

18. Friendship of Nations Palace / Istiklol Palace

  • Address: 3 Furqat Ko’chasi
  • Nearest Subway: Xalqlar Dustligi
  • Opening times: To look at: 24/7; To enter: Mon-Fri 9 AM – 5 PM
  • Price: FREE

Set at the back of the Friendship of Nations Square (Ploshchad Druzhby Narodov), this is the leading concert venue in Tashkent.

Friendship of Nations Palace, also known as Istiklol Palace, is the leading concert venue in Tashkent.
Istiklol Palace with a grand Uzbekistan flag pole in front.

It reminded me a bit of my home city – Sofia – and its eye-catching National Palace of Culture (NDK). Not the building, but the concept – a brutalist architecture example created to host events to promote Socialist culture and values.

Nowadays there are regular concerts in the Palace. If you want to attend, you might want to check the schedule here.

19. Book Bazaar

  • Address: 77 Sharaf Rashidov Avenue
  • Nearest Subway: Kosmonavtlar
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 8 AM – 8 PM
  • Price: FREE

The book bazaar is an informal collection of stands of booksellers situated in a marvelous park in the center of Tashkent. There’s green all around, ice cream stalls, a ton of benches, and even bicycle rentals in the park.

As for the books – they are mostly in Russian, but if you dig deep enough, you should be able to find English literature.

20. Navoi Park / Milliy Bog

  • Address: Rasulov Street (main entrance)
  • Nearest Subway: Milliy Bog
  • Opening times: 24/7
  • Price: FREE

It’s a very cute park to visit, especially in the summer, when Tashkent will be very hot, but in the park – moderate. There are many statues commemorating famous Uzbek poets, writers, musicians, and religious leaders, including of course Alisher Navoi’s monument.

Alisher Navoi Monument
Alisher Navoi Monument

21. Magic City Park

  • Address: Beshyogoch Square, Furkat Street
  • Nearest Subway: Milliy Bog OR Xalqlar Dustligi
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 10 AM – 10 PM
  • Price: FREE

At the eastern side of Navoi Park is the Tashkent Disneyland – Magic City Park. It’s perfect for kids, but even if you don’t qualify in this category, it could still induce a “Ha! That’s {insert famous world attraction} from you. If not, then there is food there. Food is good.

Big Beg in Magic City, Tashkent
Ha! That’s Big Ben!

22. Holy Assumption Cathedral Church (Russian Orthodox Church)

  • Address: 91 Avliyoota ko’chasi
  • Nearest Subway: Toshkent
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 8 AM – 8 PM
  • Price: FREE

The Cathedral was built in 1871 and has been the seat of the Tashkent Diocese ever since (or its various forms, due to historical events). It’s an impressive architectural landmark in the city and is well worth a visit. There’s a nice park around too.

Holy Assumption Cathedral Church (Russian Orthodox Church)
The Russian Cathedral in Tashkent. Photo by ГОЛ Ос (CC BY-SA 3.0)

23. St. Alexander Nevsky Church (Russian Orthodox Church 2.0)

  • Address: Botkin Cemetery, Botkin Street
  • Nearest Subway: Mashinasozlar
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 8 AM – 8 PM
  • Price: FREE

This is just such a cute church that if you’re into Orthodox architecture and churches, why not visit it too? Yeah, it’s situated in a cemetery, but I promise it’s a nice, well-kept one.

No ghosts.

Alexander Nevski Church in Tashkent
Alexander Nevski Church in Tashkent. Photo by ГОЛ Ос (CC BY-SA 3.0)

24. Soviet Murals

  • Address: Everywhere
  • Price: FREE

Soviet murals are an intrinsic part of any ex-USSR city and Tashkent is no exception. You can see some as big as the side panels of blocks and some as small as a street electricity box.

You can see murals in open places like squares and popular streets or tucked in small alleys in quaint neighborhoods. There are also many in the Metro stations, especially Amir Temur, Xalqlar Dostigli, and Chilonzor stations.

The best street to discover Soviet murals is the 6km long Shota Rustaveli street running north-south in the east part of town.

Museums in Tashkent

As Uzbekistan’s capital, Tashkent has some of the country’s best museums.

Even the most expensive one on the list is not more than 5$ and this is a massive bargain considering the number of exhibits and the time you can spend there.

Nevertheless, I’ve included some free museums, because who doesn’t like free stuff?

25. State History Museum

  • Address: 3 Buyuk Turon ko’chasi
  • Nearest Subway: Mustaillik Maydoni
  • Opening times: Tue-Sun 10 AM – 5 PM
  • Price: 50000 UZS

This has to be the best museum in all of Uzbekistan. If you only have time for one, let it be this one. It will give you a good overview of the history of the region with hundreds of exhibits and information about various eras from prehistory to modern times.

Also, the building is a fine example of brutalist architecture (if we can use “fine” at all together with “brutalist“).

26. State Museum of the Temurids

  • Address: 1 Amir Temur Avenue
  • Nearest Subway: Amir Temur Avenue & Yunus Rajabiy
  • Opening times: Tue-Sun 10 AM – 6 PM
  • Price: 50000 UZS

This museum has everything you need for good background knowledge before you go off to Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva.

Since it’s all about the Timurids (chiefly Amir Temur), expect a lot of family trees, manuscripts, letters, and replicas of famous monuments. It’s very beautiful on both the outside and the inside.

27. Museum of Victims of Repressions

  • Address: Amir Temur Avenue (on the other side of Tashkent Tower)
  • Nearest Subway: Shahristan
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 9 AM – 5 PM (Lunch break 1 PM-2 PM)
  • Price: 25000 UZS

Islam Karimov may have been bad, but guess who was worse? The Communists.

That’s why the former dictator himself built this Museum of the Victims of Political Repressions in 2002 (and then went on to conduct a massacre in Andijan in the Fergana Valley 3 years later).

The museum has 10 halls with information about the most controversial periods of Uzbek history, including the October Revolution, Stalin’s Regime, and the Cotton Cases.

28. State Museum of Art

  • Address: 16 Amir Temur Avenue
  • Nearest Subway: Mingo’rik & Oybek
  • Opening times: Tue-Sun 9 AM – 6 PM
  • Price: 30000 UZS

Here’s everything related to art in Uzbekistan. You can easily spend a whole day in this museum if you’re into art (not me, I’m more of a history buff). The museum has several thousand art pieces.

Nevertheless, it wouldn’t be Central Asia, if there wasn’t some controversy.

In this case, the previous curator used to sell original works of art on the black market, replacing them with forgeries. He was caught eventually, but come on, that’s a Hollywood blockbuster right there!

There’s a section on applied arts, that kind of overlaps what the next museum on the list.

29. Museum of Applied Arts

  • Address: 15 Rakatboshi Street
  • Nearest Subway: Kosmonavtlar
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 9 AM – 6 PM
  • Price: 25000 UZS

This gem of a museum was founded in 1937 as a temporary exhibition and then grew and grew until it was promoted to a permanent museum.

The works inside are mostly from the ’80s and ’90s, not that old, but they look beautiful. Worth an hour-long visit.

30. Railway Museum

  • Address: 6 Turkiston ko’chasi
  • Nearest Subway: Toshkent
  • Opening times: Mon-Sun 8:30 AM – 6 PM
  • Price: 20000 UZS

Located just off the main entrance to Tashkent’s North Train Station (Severniy Vokzal), it can easily be visited if you have an hour to spare before your train to Samarkand.

Kids will have a blast here.

You can also take a ride on one of the museum’s oldest trains.

31. Islam Karimov Museum

  • Address: Samarqand ko’chasi
  • Nearest Subway: Kosmonavtlar OR Ozbekiston
  • Opening times: Tue-Sun 9 AM – 5 PM
  • Price: FREE

This museum used to be the late Islam Karimov’s working place, called Aksaray (the White Palace). It was transformed into a museum in 2017 by the next president of Uzbekistan.

Islam Karimov Museum with a statue of the late Uzbek leader in front.
Islam Karimov Museum with a statue of the late Uzbek leader in front.

Unfortunately (but not surprisingly), the museum portrays Karimov as an all-powerful, all-benevolent great leader. That was simply not the case. Visit to get an idea for yourself.

32. House of Photography

  • Address: 4 Istiqbol ko’chasi
  • Nearest Subway: Amir Temur Avenue & Yunus Rajabiy
  • Opening times: Tue-Sun 10 AM – 5 PM
  • Price: FREE

If you’re into photography, this free exhibition space is an awesome spot to visit when exploring Amir Temur Square and the surrounding area.

33. Yunus Radzhabi Historic House Museum

    • Address: 20 Yunus Rajabiy str.
    • Nearest Subway: Kosmonavtlar
    • Opening times: Mon-Fri 10 AM – 6 PM
    • Price: 15000 UZS

Yunus Rajabi (1897 – 1976) is one of the most recognizable and probably the most beloved Uzbek musician and composer. He left a deep mark on Uzbek society and his house museum is the most visited one in Tashkent.

It was founded by his son in 1997 commemorating the 100th year since the birth of Yunus Rajabi.

The museum does tours that provide insights and useful information.

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